Joystick Interface

Many robots need some form of human interface to either move around or change states. We provide a lightweight interface to the joy ROS package. Specifically, we allow users to launch the joy node from the obelisk launch file.

Example Launch Configuration

    on: True
    pub_topic: /obelisk/dummy/joy
    sub_topic: /obelisk/dummy/joy_feedback
    device_id: 0
    device_name: "my_device_name"
    deadzone: 0.05
    autorepeat_rate: 20.0
    sticky_buttons: False
    coalesce_interval_ms: 1

device_id through coalesce_interval_ms are passed directly to the arguments in the ROS package, and so you should refer to the joy package documentation for their meaning. If these keys are not provided then default values will be used.

The settings are only parsed if on is set to True. The pub_topic is the name of the topic where the joystick state is published to. The sub_topic is the name of the topic where the joystick feedback, like rumble, is published.

Connecting the Joystick

To use the joystick, joy must be able to see and access the joystick. You can connect through one of two ways: (a) USB, (b) bluetooth.

Connecting via bluetooth is decidedly more complicated than through USB. We are still working on a guide for reliable bluetooth communication, and therefore we will focus on the USB connection here.


You can verify if the controller is connected to your computer by using This will only verify that nominally the computer can see the joystick, not that its can be seen within a docker container or that joy can see it. This is a good first step.

We can also verify the controller connection by using evtest:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install evtest
sudo evtest /dev/input/event<number>

where event<number> is the the correct event. You can check the connected inputs by using ls /dev/input.

If you use evtest on the correct event then whenever the joystick is used something will be printed to the screen.

You can run ros2 run joy joy_enumerate_devices to see what devices are found. If no devices are found and you verified with evtest that the joystick is connected then you may need to change the permissions on the joystick:

sudo chmod 666 /dev/input/event<number>

where once again you change the <number> with the correct number. Now the joystick should connect without issue.